Technical Support

Cisco ISE 2.1 FQDN

Estimated Reading Time: 2 MinutesCisco ISE 2.1 FQDN Bleeding edge technology can be frustrating to say the least.  I am creating this blog because I cannot find anything outside of Cisco’s website on ISE 2.1. I found an interesting [Read More…]



Deplorables Check-In Station

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 MinuteDeplorables Check-In Station Definition: Deplorable (adj.) – describes something unfortunate or extremely bad… In September 2016, Hillary Clinton claimed that 1/2 of all Donald Trump supporters were ‘Deplorables’…  The term took off and is now [Read More…]


DIY / How To

Amazing Water Bottle Flip

Estimated Reading Time: 2 MinutesAmazing Water Bottle Flip It all started with a Senior Talent Show.  A young showman from North Carolina entertained his peers by his showmanship and talent.  His slow motion walk around the stage to increase [Read More…]




Estimated Reading Time: 2 MinutesSupermoon! Perigee is the point at which the moon is in its closest point to Earth. A Supermoon is a full moon in perigee. A full moon is due to the position of the Earth [Read More…]
