This post was originally published on December 23, 2022
The latest update to this post was made 1 year ago.
Home Alone Bloopers
YouTube is full of bloopers from old movies and sitcoms. Some movies even showcase the bloopers at the end of their movies for all to enjoy. Bloopers let ordinary people see the talent be normal and mess up. It gives the talent an aspect of being like everyone else. Plus, bloopers are funny.
Now that Christmas is near, the movie Home Alone has bloopers taking the internet by storm. Clips are showing up on all social media platforms and in email boxes as well. People are drawn to the classic 1990’s film of a little Macaulay Culkin being left home alone, battling two home invaders and winning. It is a feel-good movie that has won over new generations of watchers.
The Gag Reel is wonderful. The personalities of the talent shine through as well as how serious they take their jobs. Laughs are real and the watcher soon laughs along with the talent.
Culkin, played an 8-year-old child, but he was actually 10 at the time. Already a serious actor at 10, his IMDB is impressive. He took a break from acting then later resumed and has been active ever since. Culkin will forever be known for Home Alone and he has embraced this fact. Television specials on the making of Home Alone, the cast, where are the cast now and the bloopers are abundant online. We helped out and have a couple below!
There are even secrets exposed in some of the making of Home Alone bloopers. Knowing some of the secrets are of interest to the best of fans. You may need this information one day for a winning question in trivia!
When you add up how many have watched the bloopers online, it amounts to millions. Do yourself and your family a good dead and rent, stream or buy Home Alone for a fun Christmas movie night.
Tags: #homealone #christmasmovie #bloopers #bloopers #family
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