Vote For Your Favorite Christmas Movies!

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This post was originally published on December 17, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 5 months ago.

Vote For Your Favorite Christmas Movies!Vote For Your Favorite Christmas Movies!

We recently published the [Top 25 Christmas Movies You Must See This Holiday Season] and, more recently, a followup to that called [5 More Christmas Movies You Must See This Holiday Season].  Each of these posts has previews of the movies and at the end of the post is a poll where you can select your favorites!  In this article, its just the polls for you to select your favorite Christmas movies!  These polls are linked the ones in the original articles.  Refer the original articles if you need a refresher!

-> You may pick as many of these movies as you like.
Be sure and click ‘VOTE’ at the end of the list when you are done!

SURVEY #1 – Based On [Top 25 Christmas Movies You Must See This Holiday Season]

POLL - Pick Your Favorites From Our Top 25 Christmas Movies To See This Holiday Season!

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SURVEY #1 EndBe sure and click ‘VOTE‘ above to record your answers before moving on!

-> You may pick as many of these movies as you like.
Be sure and click ‘VOTE’ at the end of the list when you are done!

SURVEY #2 – Based On [5 More Christmas Movies You Must See This Holiday Season]

POLL - Pick Your Favorites From Our 5 More Christmas Movies To See This Holiday Season!

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SURVEY #2 EndBe sure and click ‘VOTE‘ above to record your answers before leaving this page!

Tags: #holiday #christmas #movies #poll #survey


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