Most Entertaining Commercials Of All Time – Part 2

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This post was originally published on November 28, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 1 year ago.

Most Entertaining Commercials Of All Time - Part 2

Most Entertaining Commercials Of All Time
Part 2


Enjoy our collection of the Most Entertaining Commercials Of All Time (Part 2)!  Did we miss one?  Comment with your favorites below and stay tuned for the Most Entertaining Commercials Of All Time – Part 3!  You can add a video in your comments by copying and pasting the URL from Youtube or Vimeo!  Note: These are not in any specific order!

Related : [Most Entertaining Commercials Of All Time – Part 1]

1) Connect To Earth – Karma

2) Allstate Insurance – I’m Your Dog

3) Evian Water – Hotstepper

4) Allstate Insurance – I’m A Teenage Girl

5) Japp Energy Bar


6) Statoil – A Bad Morning

7) Suburban Auto Group – Trunk Monkey #4

8) Pro Line – Muscle Relaxant

9) Allstate Insurance – I’m A Hot Babe

10) Farmers Insurance – Mermutts


11) Best Buy – Asking Amy

12) Speed Stick – Unattended Laundry

13) Mentos – Don’t Become Your Dad – Library

14) Allstate Insurance – GPS

15) Suburban Auto Group – Trunk Monkey #1


16) Ameriquest Mortgage – I’m Her Daddy

17) John West Salmon – Bear Fight

18) Cravendale Milk – Cats With Opposable Thumbs

19) Volkswagon Convertible – Ski Mask Convenience Store

20) Carl’s Jr. – Jalapeno Chicken Sandwich


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Tags: #entertainment #funny #greatest #commercials #compilation #humor #fun #entertaining #alltime


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