This post was originally published on November 13, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 7 years ago.
Common Online Dating Scams – Beware!
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OK, still reading? Let’s keep this going then! Still not convinced you are talking to a scammer? There must be some doubt – you found this article! Not judging – let the show go on!
Get their full name and GOOGLE them… Don’t be surprised if you find some obituaries and random off the wall garbage and, well, nothing else on them. That name is umm, fake my friend…
Giving them a chance to not be on Google? Sure, no problem… I was there too. Next stop: Facebook! Hey lookie there, they do have a Facebook profile… but it’s fairly new, she has almost no wall posts and very few friends. WARNING – newer Facebook profile is only there to trick you, don’t believe it! Now if there is established, long term material here… it MIGHT be legit, but this is highly unlikely from what I’ve seen.
Does your new guy or gal have really bad grammar? Do they sound like a robot on the phone, keep sentences and answers short? Do they have an ‘odd’ accent? You’ve got yourself a scammer! I would drop that call quick and move on!
Are the texts somewhat annoying? Broken English? Do you have to try and decipher what’s being said? This can be caused by use of translation software. English may not be their native language and the translation is not that great from the software they are using. Again, time to get out of dodge, you don’t want to deal with this do you? Move on!
Do they overplay/overuse words typically used in established relationships? Do they always replace your name with one of these words? What words? Well, just a few examples: honey, baby, love, dear, sweetie, etc. Have they dropped the “I love you” line within the first few days of chatting? Yikes! Here are some clips of ones I’ve received just this week (Nov 2016):
- “I need fund to get foodstuffs.”
- “Honey, I think the best is for me to be there with you and use the rest of my life in your arm.”
- “We discussed this yesterday, you were to help me with fund for my exam at nurse school to graduate when I can come see you.”
- “I love you baby, I cannot understand why you not help me with funds to see you and be in your arms.”
Have you tried to email them? You might be talking to “Corey” for example. The email address is [email protected]? Now why would Corey call herself Alex on email? Ohhhh… silly me, it’s her FRIENDS account or her middle name! hahaha – NO, this is FAKE and is an immediate red flag!
Have you been talking a while? That’s great, right? Sure, but think back on your conversations… Have they grown over time? They should have, but are you still getting short answers or incomplete responses to questions? Scammers are patient, especially the seasoned ones… They might bait you for a week or more before unleashing the crap listed above… The newer ones are more impatient and sometimes start in on the first or second day. Just remember, your conversations should mature over time, they should naturally be progressing, getting warmer and warmer, longer and longer… If they are remaining neutral, you’ve got yourself an uninterested person on the other end or a scammer!
So what do the scammers do with the cash you send them if you fall victim? Well, a recent survey found that they go on vacations, buy nice clothing, accessories, buy vehicles, pay rent and eat out in nice places! Do they work alone? Sometimes… But there are rings of these people overseas doing this as a full time job.
…To them, this is easy money!
A simple rule of thumb : NEVER send them money! Beware my friends, evil lurks! Have you had an experience? Please share in the comments below! This will possibly help others, include the names they used and any other relevant information. By getting this info out there, we might just prevent another scam victim! Consider sharing this article so we can get the word back out there!
Who can you contact if you need to report a scam operation like this in progress? Have you lost money on a scam like this? You can report Internet crimes at the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) on the FBI website by visiting [IC3.GOV] and completing the ‘File A Complaint’ form.
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Tags: #dating #relationships #advice #onlinedating #scams #nigeria #ghana #ripoff #money #singles #datingapps
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