This post was originally published on November 16, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 7 years ago.
Buy A Cheap 3D Printer
The new craze for everyone is 3D printers. Everyone wants one. Teenagers and adults all want one. The 3D printers can make tools, toys, character items and almost anything you can think of. Schools seem to think that using one automatically means students learn STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math). So schools are buying the printers with little to no knowledge of what to do with them. I will address that in a different blog!
How does one determine which 3D printer to buy? Many home users go for cheap. Schools will go all over the place, from low to high. Companies will sometimes do the same thing dependent on what they are using the 3D printer for.
Prices can be high for a 3D printer, some can be over $5,000! How about one that is cheap and performs well? The [MP Select Mini 3D Printer is only $199] and that is a great price! That is lower than some of the game consoles kids are wanting! The mini can make many of the items everyone wants in a 3D printer. Cups, cookie cutters, figurines, vases, character figures, pencil holders or multi pieces that you put together like puzzles or items for school projects can be easily made on the MP Mini.
Shown: MP Mini From Monoprice
The MP Mini does not have a top to limit the height of a project. Many of the other printers have a top to enclose the printing stage and this limits the size of your projects. No top is a bonus with the mini and it does not take up much room on a counter.
The printer may say mini, but your projects do not have to be mini. Make any teen or adult happy this gift giving season and get them a MP Mini.
Tags: #3Dprinter #technology #projects #STEM #schools #fun #MPMini
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