A Brief History Of Thanksgiving

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This post was originally published on November 9, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 2 years ago.

A Brief History Of ThanksgivingA Brief History Of Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday in the month of November.  It is a federal holiday and is a day for families and friends to get together.  The holiday dates back to the 1600s when the Pilgrims first invited local Native Americans to a feast to celebrate a successful crop growing season.  It has been an annual holiday in the United States since 1863.  Traditional Thanksgiving foods in modern society typically consist of either Turkey or Ham (and sometimes Duck), potatoes, veggies, stuffing, gravies and pies.  Traditional pie favorites include Pumpkin, Pecan, Key Lime and Apple.

A Brief History Of ThanksgivingThanksgiving is often referred to as the start of the holiday shopping season, followed by the popular shopping day known as Black Friday.  It has been said that more people celebrate Thanksgiving than Christmas in the USA.

Many stores, unfortunately, are now open on Thanksgiving Day, which has taken some of the meaning away of spending a relaxing day with friends and family, all in the name of profit.

A Brief History Of ThanksgivingThe Thanksgiving holidays mark one of the busiest travel periods in the USA both on the roads and in the air.  Starting around November 20th and lasting until approximately December 1st.  It is expected that in 2016, over 25 million people will travel during these dates.

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