Underwater Drone – Trident

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This post was originally published on December 11, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 7 years ago.

Underwater Drone - TridentUnderwater Drone – Trident

Are regular drones are a thing of the past?  The new hot item to have for kids and adults is an underwater drone.  Cameras on the drone can be viewed through a virtual reality viewer (VR), tablet or computer.

Virtual reality is making people who try the device want more.  Trident is one such drone.  Trident is very versatile and can maneuver around tight spots.  One drawback is that there is a cord attached to the drone.  This cord could still tangle in underwater vegetation or wreckage.

Trident moves fast for that view that the younger explorer wants.  The drone can hover over any target so you get an up close clear view!  The drones are cheap enough for people to buy.  We will see more videos from our underwater explorers.

People are interested in exploring the unknown!  Explorers will venture to rivers, creeks, lakes and oceans just to see what is under the surface.  Researchers will start to utilize them as well.  There are underwater wrecks, dinosaurs bones and past villages.  Exploring these places will also create more questions on preservation of these places.

I think that people looking for wreckage to salvage or precious metals underwater will use the drones the most.  Using a drone means that a person does not have to put a wetsuit on and explore themselves.  The drone can dive up to 330 feet!  Technology is always improving.  Trident is built to accept new sensors.  This alone is cost worthy!  Your thoughts?  Share in the comments area below!

This article, also on Blog Encounters, may be of interest:  Secondlife Virtual World

Want more info?  See the [Trident Drone] Website

Tags: #technology #underwaterdrone #tridentdrone #exploreunderwater #waterdrone


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