Mass Storage Device – Satellite A105-S4384 – Windows 7

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This post was originally published on December 5, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 7 years ago.

Mass Storage Device - Satellite A105-S4384 - Windows 7Mass Storage Device – Satellite A105-S4384 – Windows 7

If you have recently reloaded your Toshiba Satellite A105-S4384 laptop due to hard drive crash or for some other reason with Windows 7 32bit or 64bit, you may have a hard time finding the driver for the “Mass Storage Controller” (it has a yellow exclamation mark on it in device manager).  If you run into this problem, you are not alone!  This driver is very difficult to find!  We could not locate it on the Toshiba website!  Fortunately, we did locate it after some hefty searching and have re-distributed the driver here.

Windows 7 does not have built-in drivers for the “Texas Instruments PCI-8×12, 7×12 Or 6×12 Cardbus Controller” (Card reader slot).  Windows Update also did not have this base driver available in its repository as of early 2016, although it does have the driver update (as explained below).

Download the attached file (driver_cardreader_ti_25844A.exe) or ( and run it.  Windows 7 will find the Cardbus adapter.  It can take up to (2) two minutes on some systems for the driver to be recognized after the setup program completes.  Once the system finds the driver and Windows 7 device IDs it, it will still show a conflict (yellow exclamation mark by it), but is at least recognized now as the correct hardware.  Follow these final steps to complete resolution:

  • Run Windows Update from the control panel.  ‘Check for updates online’.
  • After scanning and applying the updates, the driver conflict will self-resolve.
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The attached file is a self-expanding .exe file containing the TI PCI-8×12, 7×12 and 6×12 drivers for Windows 7 x86 and Windows 7 x64.  There is also a .ZIP version available for browsers that will not allow direct .exe downloads.  We certify these downloads are malware/virus free at the time of publishing.  They have been used in our own labs with no trouble.

! This driver may also work on later versions of Windows, such as Windows 8 and higher,
but is untested on these operating systems.  In this case, use at your own risk !

Please share in the comments below if you have tried this driver on newer O/S successfully!

Tags: #windows7 #windows #techsupport #driver #laptop


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