Bigfoot – Sasquatch Endangered Species

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This post was originally published on December 1, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 7 years ago.

Bigfoot - Sasquatch Endangered SpeciesBigfoot – Sasquatch Endangered Species

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[Bloggy Creek Series] – Episode 3

If you are reading this, then you probably fall into the category of the curious and informed.  Videos from around the web can be quite intriguing and from personal experience, escalating questions rather than producing the fruit of evidence.  Below you will see a video of a man asking people on the board walk to sign a petition placing Bigfoot/Sasquatch on the endangered species list…  This brings up the question of why it would be legal to hunt a beast that is so mythical?  In a day when machetes, murder and mayhem seem to be an everyday event it would seem reasonable to allow capture at most.  Never under any circumstances outside of self-defense should this action be allowed to take place.  The video below is asking people to acknowledge Sasquatch as a friend that he/she/it should be placed on the endangered species list, says Mark Dice.

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Currently there have been no substantiated Bigfoot/Sasquatch attacks.  Although the video below claims to have witnessed such an event, only you can be the judge.  From everything I can gather on the web, libraries, local newsstand and every news outlet, there have been no credible witnesses that have testified that our bipedal furry friend has become aggressive and/or attacked a person of the humankind.  The video below is a supposed attack, you sit in the judgement seat.

This article, also on Blog Encounters, may be of interest:  Was The West Baltimore Teacher Correct?

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