FLIR One – Unboxing Testing And Review

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This post was originally published on November 16, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 7 years ago.

FLIR One - Unboxing Testing And ReviewFLIR One – Unboxing Testing And Review

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After the app is installed and the camera is attached to your phone, you are presented with the options menus:

FLIR One - Unboxing Testing And Review
The Android App shooting menu offering choice of photo, video, panorama and time-lapse.
FLIR One - Unboxing Testing And Review
The mode window – offering Iron, Gray, Rainbow, Contrast, Arctic, Lava, Wheel, Coldest and Hottest.

Now for the fun part, you get to wander around like a goofy nerd and stare and comment on the heat signatures of, well, everything and everyone around you!  It’s actually pretty fun…  Here are some samples from our walk around:

FLIR One - Unboxing Testing And Review
A photo of my legs.  This image taken in standard mode (Iron) on a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.
FLIR One - Unboxing Testing And Review
A breaker panel.  Note the 3rd one on the top/right is one that always trips.  We can see the thermal load on it here.


FLIR One - Unboxing Testing And Review
Lunch, taken with black and white mode (Hottest) with hotter areas in red.
FLIR One - Unboxing Testing And Review
Lunch, taken with standard options set (Iron).  Brighter means hotter.

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