This post was originally published on December 27, 2022
The latest update to this post was made 12 months ago.
Is Die Hard A Christmas Movie?
Welcome to the party pals! Let’s just dive right into this shall we? There are two kinds of people in the world during the holiday season: those who believe Die Hard is a Christmas movie and those who are wrong. That is correct ladies and gents, Die Hard IS a Christmas movie and as unpopular as that opinion may be – I will die on this hill!
Haters will tell you that Die Hard is not a Christmas movie for a few reasons, like the fact that it was released in the month of July. To that I say have you never heard of Christmas in July? Some will tell you that just because the film takes place during a Christmas party does not make it a Christmas film. I vehemently argue that fact is what quintessentially makes Die Hard a Christmas film.
The basis of the film is that detective John McClane travels from New York to LA for his estranged wife’s company Christmas Party, with intent to make amends with her. A film about redemption— what is more Christmas than that? Another fact often overlooked by the naysayers is that John McClane’s wife is named Holly. You cannot sit there and tell me that a movie that takes place during a Christmas party and has a main character named Holly is not a Christmas movie.
That is enough about the naysayers, we aren’t here to talk about them, we are here to discuss why the naysayers are wildly incorrect. Die Hard has many elements that make it a Christmas movie – the use of the term Ho-Ho-Ho and Christmas classics as a part of the film score just to name a few.
Arguably the most convincing evidence that Die Hard is a Christmas movie is the fact that 20th Century Fox released a trailer 4 years ago on December 18th, 2018 titled “Die Hard: The Greatest Christmas Story”. There we have it straight from the horse’s mouth – the production company that produced Die Hard even claims it as a Christmas film. (
On the contrary, Bruce Willis made a bold statement during a Comedy Central Roast of himself. Willis stated that “Die Hard is NOT a Christmas movie”. He follows up by saying its “a Bruce Willis movie”. Regardless of what the king himself says, the two things aren’t mutually exclusive in my opinion – its a freaking Bruce Willis Christmas movie! (
The tradition in my family has always been to watch Christmas movies all day on Christmas Day starting with A Christmas Story and moving on to other classics like The Santa Clause, White Christmas and Holiday Inn. We have also added pleasant newcomers like Noelle and The Christmas Chronicles. We watch these films in no particular order throughout the day, all except for one. The night ALWAYS ends with Die Hard, because Christmas isn’t over until Hans Gruber falls from Nakatomi Plaza.

Tags: #christmasmovie #diehard #poll #movie #unpopularopinion
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