Back To School Supplies

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This post was originally published on August 11, 2017
The latest update to this post was made 6 years ago.

Back To School SuppliesBack To School Supplies

School is just around the corner.  Are you ready?  New clothes, physicals, immunizations, eye exams and school supplies.  These can all add up.  Though it seems simple enough to get the basics, advertisements add that spot of difficulty where you have to get the most popular items so you are not the outcast!  Students who have the basics often feel left out when their classmates have the trendy items or clothes.  Keeping your children grounded is often a problem in today’s society.  If your first grader does not have their own cell phone they can often be met with ridicule from others.  Someone please explain to me why a first grader needs a phone! 

Parents, please read the following – children do not need the most popular items to be successful.  You being there for your children is what they need.  Now that I have that said, let’s discuss school supplies.  Schools often publish supplies on their websites and some stores have the lists printed out.  I have found that the lists published on the school’s website is more reliable. 

Elementary School
Elementary school supplies are the easiest to obtain.  The list is very detailed and many schools want these supplies brought to school on the first day.  Schools will often do the communal supplies.  This covers the children who have parents that either will not buy supplies or cannot afford supplies.   Many parents get upset and complain about supplying others with these supplies, but get over it.  There are many more supplies that come from the teacher’s bank account and parents have no clue!  I added up what I spent one year and it totaled over $1,000 dollars, but I got to write 250 dollars off in taxes!

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Middle And High School
Middle school and high school get more specific on supplies.  Teachers have their own list.  Some supplies can be shared between classes such as markers, colored pencils, glue sticks and other craft supplies.  The first day of school students should only bring paper, pencil and pen.  This way they can write down specifically what they need.  Some middle and high schools do have supplies listed on their website that are broken down by subject.  Parents still need to be prepared for additions from different teachers. 

Supplies From The Teacher
Parents think this is a bit much to ask, but teachers often request different supplies due to their curriculum or teaching style.  If you think an item is uncalled for I do suggest you speak to the teacher.  Do not feel embarrassed and do not attack the teacher.  Politely ask why and you will get an answer. 

I would require certain supplies and if a parent spoke to me I would listen and explain why I required the item.  For example: I requested Crayola Twistables.  Some parents did not get them.  I did not make a big deal of it.  My justification was that they did not require sharpening and would not break easily.  I did spend my own money to get several packages to accommodate students who did not have them.  They would use their 97-cent color pencils and then after two uses they were trash.  Parents would not buy new so I had to provide the supplies.  Teachers know this, as it is part of the job.

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Where To Buy?
There are many places to buy school supplies.  My advice is to watch the sale ads.  Target, Wal-Mart, Staples and Office Depot all have school supplies.  Many dollar stores do too, but be cautious.  You may be spending more if you purchase from dollar stores.  The quality is often not there and the items will have to be replaced many times.   It is best to stay with quality.  If you have found something at the dollar store that is quality, then good for you; I unfortunately have not.  Good finds?  Please share in the comments below!

The prices between Target and Wal-Mart are so slight, you will not notice.  Staples, Office Depot and other office supply places will tend to be higher.  Watch the sales.  Driving from store to store can be productive but time consuming.  Shopping in one place can save time and gas.  Really look at your savings on money verses gas and time.  Happy back to school shopping!

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