Bigfoot – Sasquatch Endangered Species

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This post was originally published on December 1, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 7 years ago.

Bigfoot – Sasquatch endangered species and SoundsBigfoot – Sasquatch Endangered Species

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[Bloggy Creek Series] – Episode 3

There are (maybe) a lot of people in the general public, especially those with a small audience, meaning a group of friends who will ask the question – “why do you go look for a creature that does not exist?”  In reality we live in a world that takes an estimated 7 billion pictures a week.  So, the question rendered, could in some circles, be fair and be founded in the truth.  For me, and only me, I have an answer that is satisfying, if only just on the surface.  Personally, I am looking for Bigfoot’s great great grandson.  Historically, and without question, there was a giant ape that roamed the earth.  So, for me the question is where are the grand kids hiding?  Below is a video of best Bigfoot photos.

In some really cool news… [our team] has put together a YouTube studio where we will be interviewing, talking one on one of this controversial subject, critiquing videos and my very favorite talking to you guys and answering your questions.  If you have a sighting you would like to report, hit us up in the comments section below.

Here is something we want to be very clear about, we are in accord, not competition, with any and every group throughout this planet.  This is a destination not a competition!  Here is a link to one of the larger organizations that have dedicated themselves to finding Bigfoot/Sasquatch: [BRO – The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization].

This article, also on Blog Encounters, may be of interest:  Haunting Of Hensley Manor

Thank you for reading the Bloggy Creek Series on Blog Encounters!  It means a lot to me personally to talk to you guys and our goal is to talk back at you through the World Wide Web so contact us if you feel the need!  Til next Wednesday, when we’ll be making another Bloggy Creek post, keep on looking in the woods and remember cameras up.

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Tags: #bigfoot #findingbigfoot #sasquatch #bloggycreek


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