
Thanksgiving 2017 Already!

Estimated Reading Time: 5 MinutesThanksgiving 2017 Already! Thanksgiving is the often forgotten holiday between Halloween and Christmas.  Christmas decorations are up in the stores and on the city streets.  Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations often blend together…  How can you [Read More…]



Company Charity Contributions

Estimated Reading Time: 2 MinutesCompany Charity Contributions Saint Jude, Red Cross, March of Dimes, United States Fund for UNICEF, Salvation Army, Local Food Banks, Goodwill and Habitat for Humanity are all listings for charities.  Christmas is the largest fund [Read More…]



Holiday Depression

Estimated Reading Time: 2 MinutesHoliday Depression Holiday times are a tough time for many.  Depression hits people who are alone or have families.  Even if you do not suffer from depression any other time of the year, the holiday [Read More…]
