
Movie Life Review

Estimated Reading Time: 3 MinutesMovie Life Review The movie Life has made its way to theaters near you.  Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ariyon Kakare, Hiroyuki Sanada, Rebecca Ferguson and Olga Dihovichnaya all play astronauts that take care of a [Read More…]


Pets / Animals

Losing A Pet

Estimated Reading Time: 2 MinutesLosing A Pet Losing a pet can be one of the most devastating things to a pet owner.  Animals provide companionship and become part of the family, they are the furry family members.  I recently [Read More…]



Buffy Slang

Estimated Reading Time: 2 MinutesBuffy Slang Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an icon of pop culture.  They showcased up and coming music, mostly by female artists and created a language all it’s own.  Buffy language as it has become [Read More…]


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Technical Support

Urgent WordPress Upgrade Alert

Estimated Reading Time: < 1 MinuteUrgent WordPress Upgrade Alert For those running WordPress to host their blogs/website, please be aware a recent vulnerability has been discovered on WordPress v4.7.1 and older that allows remote execution of some SQL commands.  Attackers [Read More…]
