My Experience With Hurricane Harvey

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This post was originally published on September 4, 2017
The latest update to this post was made 6 years ago.

My Experience With Hurricane HarveyMy Experience With Hurricane Harvey

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=-= Warning: Some videos are graphic and contain strong language =-=

Near The End
Tuesday, August 29, 2017 had only a few down pours.  One neighbor ventured out and reported to the rest of us the conditions of the roads.  Several were still flooded around us and had debris all over the road.  This was helpful, as I had to report to work on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 if at all possible.  I am not sure about you, but I only get paid if I go to work so I really needed to try and get to work. 

We were unsure if rain would continue because current predictions had rain in our area until the end of the week.  My neighbor offered to drive me to work because he had a truck.  I am thankful for my neighbors.  Wednesday morning started with the sun shining and no rain.  I was able to get to work and help people out.  People were both thankful and pleasant.  I was very surprised! 

The People
The one thing that has surprised everyone is the helpfulness of everyone around.  Yes, there are a few looters and price gougers, but they will get their justice.  People from all over Texas and many other states traveled to the Houston and surrounding areas to help.  This is great.  But, remember where Hurricane Harvey hit land?  Rockport, Texas  – quite a ways from the Houston metro area. 

This article, also on Blog Encounters, may be of interest:  Texas Winter Storm

I watched Periscope videos of storm chaser Jeff Piotroski in the middle of the storm.  I was scared for him.  He survived to show the damage after the storm on his Periscope.

Port Aransas, Texas was also in the path of Hurricane Harvey.

These areas need help just as much as Houston.  They are slowly receiving the help they need.  In my opinion, half of the volunteers descending on Houston to offer help should be heading to Rockport and Port Aransas to help.  Let’s not forget about the need in Rockport and Port Aransas.  They have no stores to go to, no electricity and no water.  Some have gone to shelters but others stayed behind to salvage their homes.

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