How To Apartment Move Without Making Enemies

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This post was originally published on December 13, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 2 years ago.

How To Apartment Move Without Making Enemies Uhaul ImageHow To Apartment Move Without Making Enemies


Moving into a new apartment can be stressful.  Making enemies of your new neighbors adds to that stress of moving.  Let’s explore how to make moving less stressful and how to apartment move without making enemies of your neighbors.

Plan: Careful planning and organization is the key!  Getting a moving company to move you takes much of the stress away.  Apartments will often have coupons from moving companies that are a percentage off or includes one hour free.  Take advantage of these offers.  I moved twice in the same year and the first time I had friends help.  The second time I hired movers and it was extremely easy and well worth the $120!

Knowing ahead of time that you are moving will give you time to save and look around for a good moving company.  Packing will also be less stressful if you start early.  Pack what you least use and put everything in boxes.  Little nick knacks carried in baskets or clothes in trash bags create more loose ends to wrap up and someone having to carry the items.  Boxes can be moved with a dolly to be loaded on a truck.

Packing a kitchen requires boxes, paper and bubble wrap.  In the place of bubble wrap, try using your sheets or towels!  Your plates and cups are protected and will arrive at your new address safe and sound!  Do not make the boxes too heavy to lift as this will lead the way for more accidents of dropped boxes.  Moving boxes with a dolly will prevent accidents and back pains.

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The kitchen is usually the last room packed.  Keep out just enough equipment to get you by for two weeks and begin packing up that room!  Pack the bathroom and bedroom the very same way.  Leave out just enough to live on for two weeks and pack up the rest of the room.  This will relieve the stress when moving time approaches.  The last thing  you want to be doing is packing while loading up a moving van.

Moving yourself verses a moving company – Ideal moving situations are to have a company move you.  Some of these companies will even pack parts of your house for you because they like everything in boxes.  Moving companies equal less stress for you as you only move some personal items.  I have had good luck with moving companies and they never take more than a few hours.  Of course, this all depends on how far you are moving.  Look around and compare prices of moving companies, sometimes the pricing can be quite different!


Friends – Dreading moving by yourself can be stressful.  Friends often volunteer to help and bail at the last minute.  Renting a truck or using a friend’s truck is always tricky.  People with trucks do not want to be moving friends every weekend and I do not blame them!  More of  your friends will be willing to help if you rent a moving truck and dolly.

Having all items boxed up will make for a smooth move too.  Friends helping will appreciate the ease of loading a dolly and rolling it to the truck.  Feed your volunteers for helping you and keep everyone hydrated.

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Your New Place – Arriving at the new address may present problems as to where do you park to unload your belongings.  Check ahead of time and ask management before your move takes place.  Once at your new home, be aware of your neighbors.  Try to move in when most are at work or on a Saturday.  Do not be inconsiderate and move in late at night.

People seem to quiet down in communities around 10:00 pm and you do not want to be “that” neighbor!  I had a new neighbor that started their move in at 11:00 pm and this behavior is not fair to anyone in the community.  At 3:00 am I had to finally knock on their door and ask them to quiet down.  Yes, they lived above me.  They were snotty about it and let me know this by making more noise.  Needless to say we were not friends at all during their short 4 month stay.

Disrupting Neighbors –  Moving into a new setting is stressful for you and your neighbors.  Your life is disrupted and you are disrupting your neighbors life with your noise as well.  Recently, a new neighbor moved in on a weekend with a moving truck parked behind all the cars blocking them in.  Off to a good start, right?

Not only was their truck blocking cars, but their belongings were in the parking lot too.  The place had become theirs only and they did not think of anyone else at all.  My new neighbors are a young couple who only think of themselves and could care less about anyone.  I came out and could not back out.  He sat there and looked at me with an idiotic look on his face of surprise.  I let him know that I could not back out.  A reply came from his lips that still have me in shock.  He asked me if I wanted him to move the truck.  Yes, he had to ask me this!

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Luggage In Parking Lot Image

I kept my composure and said, yes that would be nice.  It took him 10 minutes to clear this belongings from behind me and move the truck.  All the while he had a confused look on his face as to why I asked him to move. Seriously!

When I returned, the moving truck was still blocking in cars and they had also taken up a parking spot with their belongings. I know they did not make any friends.  A few days later, my other neighbors were out and asked me if I had noticed the inconsiderate new neighbors.  I had to say yes and explained what had happened and they had the same experience.

News flash!  When moving into a new community nothing revolves around you.  Again, try not to be disruptive to others!  Organization is a key to a good smooth move.  People need to be considerate of others when moving.  Consideration of others alone will be the key to getting along with your new neighbors.

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Tags: #moving #movingtips #relocation #movers #apartment


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