Supermoon Hoax

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This post was originally published on November 13, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 7 years ago.

Supermoon HoaxSupermoon Hoax

The upcoming Supermoon is no hoax.  Many think it is a hoax made up to fool them.  Hoax or not, go outside and see for yourself.  November 13-19 2016 will be the Supermoon, with November 14 2016 being the largest.  Do not let superstition keep you from seeing this historic event.  Invite friends over and host a Supermoon party.  You can buy some Moon Pies and enjoy the Supermoon!

Other party ideas can include a camp out with tents or find someone with a truck and everyone sit back and enjoy!  You will not need to have a telescope or binoculars to see the Moon.  It will be large enough to see without any aids.  Bring binoculars or a telescope is you want a closer view of the craters.

I hope everyone ventures out to see this historic event!  Make sure you post any pictures in the comments section below!

Tags: #supermoon2016  #supermoon #science #experience #astronomy


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