Gone Sasquatchen: Big Foot Lives

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This post was originally published on November 20, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 7 years ago.

Gone Sasquatchen: Big Foot LivesGone Sasquatchen: Big Foot Lives

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[Bloggy Creek Series] – Episode 1


Video: The Legend Of Boggy Creek (1972)

Here in Texas:
There have been 216 sightings in Texas. (Again, if you are one of these people, just leave a comment and I will get back to ya). Here is a YouTube video on [Bigfoot Sightings 2016].  There have been so many sightings, from so many credible people that a you may start to wonder…well… maybe, or what if?  I am going to interview/talk to a lot of these people.  Ray Beach has long passed, if not she would be the first.  We have an ALERT system that will prompt us to every Bigfoot/Sasquatch sighting here on the web.  Yet, in reality there needs to be proof other than a grain filled camera phone video or some new and improved eye witness account.

We have a plan, for this new Year (2017).  In life you may want to have a hobby, such as chase a white ball around manicured lawns.  Gun ranges, kayaking, even frisbee golf.  Yet if you say “gone Squatchin” you will get a look of Gone Sasquatchen: Big Foot Livesraised eye brows and quite possibility an eye roll.  Surely you will hear “What is that or why?”  It has just stuck with me, for decades, this Boggy Creek Legend.  So, for now and 2017 I will be blogging, interviewing and keeping up with all the blog sites.  When something hits one of these sites, I will post a link and keep a keen eye on the squatch Horizon.  Every Wednesday I will ascend into Squatchville USA.  To keep bigfoot nation informed as best as our small team can.  So, let the adventure begin!  It will be a lot of fun and I look forward to any and all comments.  I will be back on Wednesday and here is a link to a [Free BigFoot Movie From 2010 On YouTube].  I will see ya every Wednesday for the next 60 Weeks.  Have a Great Thanksgiving and ‘Keep On Squatchin’. I will be back soon.  This series is because of a woman named Ray Beach, I truly hope that she is looking down and smiling.  This is for you Ray!

This article, also on Blog Encounters, may be of interest:  Big Foot Sightings 2017

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Tags: #bigfoot #findingbigfoot #sasquatch #bloggycreek


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