FLIR One – Unboxing Testing And Review

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This post was originally published on November 16, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 7 years ago.

FLIR One - Unboxing Testing And ReviewFLIR One – Unboxing Testing And Review

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As we continue our experimenting with the FLIR One, we change modes to Coldest and Hottest.  When in grayscale, it becomes very clear where the cold and hotspots are!

FLIR One - Unboxing Testing And Review
An A/C duct at the office.  Blue showing cold in this mode (Coldest), where as white shows hottest.
FLIR One - Unboxing Testing And Review
A Cisco wireless access point.  Red showing warmest in this mode (Hottest).  Black being coldest.


FLIR One - Unboxing Testing And Review
A duct shown at the house, with air conditioning running.  Note the ceiling fan motor is hottest.
FLIR One - Unboxing Testing And Review
My dog laying on the floor.  This was shot in complete darkness (0 lux) with temperature enabled.


 Video: A brief, sample video walking through a datacenter.

If you are trying to figure out where you may be having a heat related issue on anything from electronics to your house HVAC, this is a great investment.  I’ve only tipped the iceberg on the possible ways this can be used, but I’m excited to test out night vision hunting next.  On a 1-10 rating scale, We give it a solid 8.  The reason for the grade is mainly because the video seems a bit choppy, but it does still get the job done!  For a more extensive explanation of FLIR on Wikipedia [visit here].  To visit the official FLIR One website [visit here].

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Tags: #FLIR #flirone #thermalimage #nightvision #nightoptics #thermal #imaging


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