Change Your Password From A Remote Desktop Session RDC

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This post was originally published on November 3, 2016
The latest update to this post was made 7 years ago.

Change Your Password From A Remote Desktop Session RDCChange Your Password From A Remote Desktop Session RDC

(Access Lock, Sign Out, Change A Password, Task Manager Menu)

If you remote desktop to a Windows 8.1, Windows 10 machine or even a Server 2008/2012 machine, you might notice that the CTRL-ALT-DEL function isn’t passed to the remote session, so to change password for example, you cannot get to this screen.

The hot key for REMOTE DESKTOP (RDC) CTRL-ALT-DEL equivalent is actually CTRL-ALT-END.

Pressing the CTRL-ALT-END function while in your remote desktop session will provide the following screen:

Change Your Password From A Remote Desktop Session RDC

Where as you can see, you can sign out, change your password or access the task manager.

Tags: #microsoft #remotedesktop #vdi #password #windows #techsupport


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